Grow, Sell & Eat Local!

The Mosinee Area Chamber of Commerce is a working partnership of leading business and professional persons and interested citizens in the community. While it represents business and the professions, it is essentially an organization of people — people who know the wisdom of coordinating their efforts under effective leadership for the civic, industrial and commercial advancement of the City of Mosinee.

Mosinee Area Chamber of Commerce

Location And Schedule:

Hwy B, City, WI 54455
May - October Tuesday 12:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Payments Accepted:

Produce and Goods:

Other Farmers Markets In Marathon County, WI:

1011 East Spruce St. Abbotsford, WI 54405

400 River Drive Wausau, WI 54403

2390 Terrebonne Drive Kronenwetter, WI 54455

5500 Schofield Avenue Weston, WI 54476